Panthera Edge
Making a difference one person at a time.
Panthera Scholars 2009 - 2016
The Jim and Katherine Brown
Coopersville/MSU Scholarship

Eric Minch, our first scholarship recipient, graduated Coopersville HS in 2009, MSU in 2013, and MSU Law School in 2016.
2010 Coopersville Grad & 2015 MSU Graduate: Mike Spicer is now an Account Manager for CH Robinson Worldwide
In 2011 Panthera Edge did not receive any scholarship applications; therefore, in 2012 we granted 2 scholarships. The MSU scholarship was received by Nathan Umlor and Shane Snyder.
Nathan graduated in 2016 and works for MSU in the Contracts & Grants Dept. and has his Master's Degree. Shane graduated in 2017 with a Civil Engineering BS and works for Rowe Professional Services Co.
Our fifth scholarship was awarded to Kyle Meintsma in 2013. He graduated from MSU in 2019 with a Forestry degree, serves as 2nd lieutenant in the Army National Guard, and works for Bartlett Tree Experts.
Chandler Panetta, 2014 CHS graduate, graduated with a BS in electrical Engineering from MSU in 2019.
The above picture shows Chandler is accepting the "big" check from the Panthera Edge Foundation during CHS Awards Ceremony evening.
Chandler serves as 2nd lieutenant in the US Air Force and graduated with his EE Master's Degree from MSU.
Elly St. John, our 2015 recipient, graduated MSU in 2019 with a BS in Professional Writing and minor in Graphic Design.
In 2016 our 8th scholarship awardee was Logan Panetta. He is studied bio-mechanical engineering and is employed in North Carolina.
Eric Minch, our very first scholar, is presenting the Panthera Edge "big" check to Logan at the CHS awards ceremony.
Below, the directors met with Logan before his award night.